upipe/uref_std.h header reference

Upipe standard uref manager More

Header inclusion  



  • struct uref_mgr * uref_std_mgr_alloc(uint16_t uref_pool_depth, struct udict_mgr *udict_mgr, int control_attr_size)


Upipe standard uref manager

Members detail  

#define _UPIPE_UREF_STD_H_  

This macro is declared in upipe/uref_std.h source file, line 31.

struct uref_mgr * uref_std_mgr_alloc(uint16_t uref_pool_depth, struct udict_mgr *udict_mgr, int control_attr_size)  

This function is declared in upipe/uref_std.h source file, line 48.

This function allocates a new instance of the standard uref manager

Parameter list:

  • uref_pool_depth: maximum number of uref structures in the pool
  • udict_mgr: udict manager to use to allocate udict structures
  • control_attr_size: extra attributes space for control packets

The return value is pointer to manager, or NULL in case of error

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