upipe/uref.h header reference

Upipe uref structure handling More

Header inclusion  




This file defines the API to manipulate references to buffers and attributes.

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 85.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

the block is an ending point


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 83.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

the block is a starting point


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 87.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

the block contains a clock reference


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 94.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

position of the bitfield for the type of orig date


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 92.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

position of the bitfield for the type of prog date


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 90.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

position of the bitfield for the type of sys date


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 79.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

there is a discontinuity in the flow


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 77.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

the upstream pipe has disconnected


This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 81.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

the current uref is a random access point

#define _UPIPE_UREF_H_  

This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 32.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.


This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 101.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

This macro is the number of bits to shift to get orig date type.


This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 99.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

This macro is the number of bits to shift to get prog date type.


This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in upipe/uref.h source file, line 97.

This declaration involves expansion of the UBASE_FROM_TO, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely, unlikely and unlikely macros.

This macro is the number of bits to shift to get sys date type.

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