upipe/uprobe_helper_urefcount.h header reference

uprobe helper functions to refcount user defined probes More




uprobe helper functions to refcount user defined probes

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This macro is declared in upipe/uprobe_helper_urefcount.h source file, line 52.

This macro declares functions to increment and decrement reference count on user defined probes.

Supposing the name of your structure is uprobe_foo, it declares:

  • static inline struct uprobe_foo *uprobe_foo_use(struct uprobe_foo *)

    A wrapper to uprobe_use which increments the reference count of the probe.

  • static inline void uprobe_foo_release(struct uprobe_foo *)

    A wrapper to uprobe_release which decrements the reference count or frees the probe.

You must define UPROBE_HELPER_UPROBE for uprobe_foo prior to this.


This macro is declared in upipe/uprobe_helper_urefcount.h source file, line 24.

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