upipe/udict_dump.h header reference

Upipe dictionary dumping for debug purposes More

Header inclusion  


Upipe dictionary dumping for debug purposes

Members detail  

#define _UPIPE_UDICT_DUMP_H_  

This macro is declared in upipe/udict_dump.h source file, line 31.

This declaration involves expansion of the likely, likely, likely and likely macros.

#define UDICT_DUMP_TEMPLATE(TYPE, utype, ctype, ftype)  

This macro is for internal use only.

This macro is declared in upipe/udict_dump.h source file, line 123.

This declaration involves expansion of the likely, likely, likely and likely macros.

This macro dumps the content of a udict for debug purposes.

Parameter list:

  • udict: pointer to the udict
  • uprobe: pipe module printing the messages

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