upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h header reference

Upipe module encapsulating (adding TS header) PES and PSI access units More

Header inclusion  





Upipe module encapsulating (adding TS header) PES and PSI access units

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 34.


This macro is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 26.

enum upipe_ts_encaps_command  

This enum is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 46.

This enum extends upipe_command with specific commands for ts encaps.

UPIPE_TS_ENCAPS_SET_TB_SIZE1sets the size of the TB buffer (unsigned int)
UPIPE_TS_ENCAPS_SPLICE2returns a ubuf containing a TS packet and its dts_sys (uint64_t, uint64_t, struct ubuf **, uint64_t *)
UPIPE_TS_ENCAPS_EOS3signals an end of stream (void)

int upipe_ts_encaps_eos(struct upipe *upipe)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 95.

This function signals an end of stream, so that buffered packets can be released.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe

The return value is an error code

struct upipe_mgr * upipe_ts_encaps_mgr_alloc(void )  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 103.

This function returns the management structure for all ts_encaps pipes.

The return value is pointer to manager

int upipe_ts_encaps_set_tb_size(struct upipe *upipe, unsigned int tb_size)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 66.

This function sets the size of the TB buffer.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe
  • tb_size: size of the TB buffer

The return value is an error code

int upipe_ts_encaps_splice(struct upipe *upipe, uint64_t cr_sys_min, uint64_t cr_sys_max, struct ubuf **ubuf_p, uint64_t *dts_sys_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 83.

This function returns a ubuf containing a TS packet, and the dts_sys of the packet.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe
  • cr_sys_min: date at which the packet will be muxed
  • cr_sys_max: maximum date allowed for muxing
  • ubuf_p: filled in with a pointer to the ubuf (may be NULL)
  • dts_sys_p: filled in with the dts_sys, or UINT64_MAX

The return value is an error code

enum uprobe_ts_encaps_event  

This enum is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_ts_encaps.h source file, line 38.

This enum extends uprobe_event with specific events for ts split.

UPROBE_TS_ENCAPS_STATUS1update status of the encaps pipe (uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t, int)

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