upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h header reference

Upipe rtp-fec (ffmpeg) module More

Header inclusion  





Upipe rtp-fec (ffmpeg) module

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 14.


This macro is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 13.


This macro is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 6.

enum rtp_fec_command  

This enum is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 18.

This enum extends upipe_command with specific commands for avcodec decode.

UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_MAIN_SUBunknownreturns the main subpipe (struct upipe **)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_COL_SUBunknownreturns the fec-column subpipe (struct upipe **)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_ROW_SUBunknownreturns the fec-row subpipe (struct upipe **)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_PACKETS_LOSTunknownreturns the number of non recovered packets (uint64_t *)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_PACKETS_RECOVEREDunknownreturns the number of recovered packets (uint64_t *)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_ROWSunknownreturns the number of rows (uint64_t *)
UPIPE_RTP_FEC_GET_COLUMNSunknownreturns the number of columns (uint64_t *)

struct upipe * upipe_rtp_fec_alloc(struct upipe_mgr *mgr, struct uprobe *uprobe, struct uprobe *uprobe_main, struct uprobe *uprobe_col, struct uprobe *uprobe_row)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 127.

This function allocates and initializes a rtp fec pipe.

Parameter list:

  • mgr: management structure for rtp fec type
  • uprobe: structure used to raise events for the super pipe
  • uprobe_pic: structure used to raise events for the pic subpipe
  • uprobe_sound: structure used to raise events for the sound subpipe
  • uprobe_subpic: structure used to raise events for the subpic subpipe

The return value is pointer to allocated pipe, or NULL in case of failure

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_col_sub(struct upipe *upipe, struct upipe **upipe_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 88.

This function returns the pic subpipe. The refcount is not incremented so you have to use it if you want to keep the pointer.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the super pipe
  • upipe_p: filled in with a pointer to the pic subpipe

The return value is an error code

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_columns(struct upipe *upipe, uint64_t *columns)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 46.

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_main_sub(struct upipe *upipe, struct upipe **upipe_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 74.

This function returns the pic subpipe. The refcount is not incremented so you have to use it if you want to keep the pointer.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the super pipe
  • upipe_p: filled in with a pointer to the pic subpipe

The return value is an error code

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_packets_lost(struct upipe *upipe, uint64_t *lost)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 53.

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_packets_recovered(struct upipe *upipe, uint64_t *recovered)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 60.

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_row_sub(struct upipe *upipe, struct upipe **upipe_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 102.

This function returns the pic subpipe. The refcount is not incremented so you have to use it if you want to keep the pointer.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the super pipe
  • upipe_p: filled in with a pointer to the pic subpipe

The return value is an error code

int upipe_rtp_fec_get_rows(struct upipe *upipe, uint64_t *rows)  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 39.

struct upipe_mgr * upipe_rtp_fec_mgr_alloc(void )  

This function is declared in upipe-ts/upipe_rtp_fec.h source file, line 111.

This function returns the management structure for rtp_fec pipes.

The return value is pointer to manager

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