upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h header reference

probe asserting that all events come from the same thread More

Header inclusion  





probe asserting that all events come from the same thread

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 31.

struct uprobe_pthread_assert  

This struct is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 47.

This struct is a super-set of the uprobe structure with additional local members.

bool inited;true if the pthread ID was inited
pthread_t thread_id;asserted pthread ID
struct uprobe uprobe;structure exported to modules

struct uprobe * uprobe_pthread_assert_alloc(struct uprobe *next)  

This function is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 80.

This function allocates a new uprobe_pthread_assert structure.

Parameter list:

  • next: next probe to test if this one doesn't catch the event

The return value is pointer to uprobe, or NULL in case of error

void uprobe_pthread_assert_clean(struct uprobe_pthread_assert *uprobe_pthread_assert)  

This function is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 73.

This function cleans a uprobe_pthread_assert structure.

Parameter list:

  • uprobe_pthread_assert: structure to clean

struct uprobe * uprobe_pthread_assert_init(struct uprobe_pthread_assert *uprobe_pthread_assert, struct uprobe *next)  

This function is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 67.

This function initializes an already allocated uprobe_pthread_assert structure.

Parameter list:

  • uprobe_pthread_assert: pointer to the already allocated structure
  • next: next probe to test if this one doesn't catch the event

The return value is pointer to uprobe, or NULL in case of error

int uprobe_pthread_assert_set(struct uprobe *uprobe, pthread_t thread_id)  

This function is declared in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 88.

This function changes the thread ID used by this probe to the current thread.

Parameter list:

  • uprobe: pointer to probe
  • thread_id: thread ID

The return value is an error code

struct uprobe_pthread_assert * uprobe_pthread_assert_from_uprobe(struct uprobe *uprobe)  

This function is for internal use only.

This function is declared in UPROBE_HELPER_UPROBE function like macro expansion, line 19 in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 57.

This function returns the private uprobe_pthread_assert structure.

Parameter list:

  • uprobe: public description structure of the probe

The return value is pointer to the private uprobe_pthread_assert structure

struct uprobe * uprobe_pthread_assert_to_uprobe(struct uprobe_pthread_assert *s)  

This function is for internal use only.

This function is declared in UPROBE_HELPER_UPROBE function like macro expansion, line 9 in upipe-pthread/uprobe_pthread_assert.h source file, line 57.

This function returns the public uprobe structure.

Parameter list:

  • uprobe_pthread_assert: pointer to the private uprobe_pthread_assert structure

The return value is pointer to the public uprobe structure

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