upipe/upipe_helper_upump_mgr.h header reference
Upipe helper functions for upump manager More
Header inclusion
Upipe helper functions for upump manager
Members detail
This macro is declared in upipe/upipe_helper_upump_mgr.h source file, line 83.
This macro declares three functions dealing with the upump manager.
You must add one pointer to your private upipe structure, for instance:
You must also declare UPIPE_HELPER_UPIPE prior to using this macro.
Supposing the name of your structure is upipe_foo, it declares:
void upipe_foo_init_upump_mgr(struct upipe *upipe)
Typically called in your upipe_foo_alloc() function.
int upipe_foo_attach_upump_mgr(struct upipe *upipe)
Typically called from your upipe_foo_control() handler, such as:
return upipe_foo_attach_upump_mgr(upipe);
}int upipe_foo_check_upump_mgr(struct upipe *upipe)
Checks if the upump manager is available, and asks for it otherwise.
void upipe_foo_clean_upump_mgr(struct upipe *upipe)
Typically called from your upipe_foo_free() function.
Parameter list:
- STRUCTURE: name of your private upipe structure
- UPUMP_MGR: name of the struct upump_mgr * field of your private upipe structure
This macro is declared in upipe/upipe_helper_upump_mgr.h source file, line 31.