upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h header reference

Upipe ubuf manager for block formats with umem storage More

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Upipe ubuf manager for block formats with umem storage

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 46.

This macro is the signature to use to allocate from an ubuf_pic plane.


This macro is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 48.

This macro is the signature to use to allocate from an ubuf_sound plane.


This macro is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 31.

struct ubuf * ubuf_block_mem_alloc_from_pic(struct ubuf_mgr *mgr, struct ubuf *ubuf_pic, const char *chroma)  

This function is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 61.

This function returns a new ubuf from the block mem allocator, using a chroma of a ubuf pic mem.

Parameter list:

  • mgr: management structure for this ubuf type
  • ubuf_pic: ubuf pic mem structure to use
  • chroma: chroma type (see chroma reference)

The return value is pointer to ubuf or NULL in case of failure

struct ubuf * ubuf_block_mem_alloc_from_sound(struct ubuf_mgr *mgr, struct ubuf *ubuf_sound, const char *channel)  

This function is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 75.

This function returns a new ubuf from the block mem allocator, using a plane of a ubuf sound mem.

Parameter list:

  • mgr: management structure for this ubuf type
  • ubuf_sound: ubuf sound mem structure to use
  • channel: channel type (see channel reference)

The return value is pointer to ubuf or NULL in case of failure

struct ubuf_mgr * ubuf_block_mem_mgr_alloc(uint16_t ubuf_pool_depth, uint16_t shared_pool_depth, struct umem_mgr *umem_mgr, int prepend, int append, int align, int align_offset)  

This function is declared in upipe/ubuf_block_mem.h source file, line 97.

This function allocates a new instance of the ubuf manager for block formats using umem.

Parameter list:

  • ubuf_pool_depth: maximum number of ubuf structures in the pool
  • shared_pool_depth: maximum number of shared structures in the pool
  • umem_mgr: memory allocator to use for buffers
  • prepend: default minimum extra space before buffer (if set to -1, a default sensible value is used)
  • append: extra space after buffer
  • align: default alignment in octets (if set to -1, a default sensible value is used)
  • align_offset: offset of the aligned octet, in octets (may be negative)

The return value is pointer to manager, or NULL in case of error

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