upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h header reference

Upipe swscale thumbnail gallery module More

Header inclusion  





Upipe swscale thumbnail gallery module

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 40.


This macro is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 33.

enum upipe_sws_thumbs_command  

This enum is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 44.

This enum extends upipe_command with specific commands for avcodec decode.

UPIPE_SWS_THUMBS_SET_SIZEunknownset size (int, int, int, int)
UPIPE_SWS_THUMBS_GET_SIZEunknownget size (int*, int*, int*, int*)
UPIPE_SWS_THUMBS_FLUSH_NEXTunknownflush before next uref

bool upipe_sws_thumbs_flush_next(struct upipe *upipe)  

This function is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 87.

This function flushes the current gallery before next uref

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe

The return value is false in case of error

bool upipe_sws_thumbs_get_size(struct upipe *upipe, int *hsize_p, int *vsize_p, int *cols_p, int *rows_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 76.

This function gets the thumbnail gallery dimensions.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe
  • size: size parameter (0=disabled)

The return value is false in case of error

struct upipe_mgr * upipe_sws_thumbs_mgr_alloc(void )  

This function is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 95.

This function returns the management structure for sws thmub pipes.

The return value is pointer to manager

bool upipe_sws_thumbs_set_size(struct upipe *upipe, int hsize, int vsize, int cols, int rows)  

This function is declared in upipe-swscale/upipe_sws_thumbs.h source file, line 63.

This function sets the thumbnail gallery dimensions.

Parameter list:

  • upipe: description structure of the pipe
  • size: size parameter (0=disabled)

The return value is false in case of error

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