upipe-modules/upipe_noclock.h header reference

Upipe module creating system timestamps for off-line streams More

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This module is used for pipelines running off-line (for instance to transcode a file to a file). In that case there is no system timestamp in input packets, but some sinks (multiplexers) require system timestamps. This module copies the program timestamp into the system timestamp. Please note that this will only work if all flows use the same program clock, that is if there is only one program involved.

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This macro is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_noclock.h source file, line 45.


This macro is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_noclock.h source file, line 38.

struct upipe_mgr * upipe_noclock_mgr_alloc(void )  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_noclock.h source file, line 52.

This function returns the management structure for all noclock pipes.

The return value is pointer to manager

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