upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h header reference

Upipe module splitting packed audio to several planar or packed outputs More

Header inclusion  




Upipe module splitting packed audio to several planar or packed outputs

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 41.


This macro is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 40.


This macro is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 32.

struct upipe_mgr * upipe_audio_split_mgr_alloc(void )  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 50.

This function returns the management structure for all audio_split pipes.

The return value is pointer to manager

int uref_audio_split_cmp_bitfield(struct uref *uref1, struct uref *uref2)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function compares the audio split bit field attribute in two urefs.

Parameter list:

  • uref1: pointer to the first uref
  • uref2: pointer to the second uref

The return value is 0 if both attributes are absent or identical

int uref_audio_split_copy_bitfield(struct uref *uref, struct uref *uref_src)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function copies the audio split bit field attribute from an uref to another.

Parameter list:

  • uref: pointer to the uref
  • uref_src: pointer to the source uref

The return value is an error code

int uref_audio_split_delete_bitfield(struct uref *uref)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function deletes the audio split bit field attribute of a uref.

Parameter list:

  • uref: pointer to the uref

The return value is an error code

int uref_audio_split_get_bitfield(struct uref *uref, uint64_t *p)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function returns the audio split bit field attribute of a uref.

Parameter list:

  • uref: pointer to the uref
  • p: pointer to the retrieved value (modified during execution)

The return value is an error code

int uref_audio_split_match_bitfield(struct uref *uref, uint64_t min, uint64_t max)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function compares the audio split bit field attribute to given values.

Parameter list:

  • uref: pointer to the uref
  • min: minimum value
  • max: maximum value

The return value is an error code

int uref_audio_split_set_bitfield(struct uref *uref, uint64_t v)  

This function is declared in upipe-modules/upipe_audio_split.h source file, line 44.

This function sets the audio split bit field attribute of a uref.

Parameter list:

  • uref: pointer to the uref
  • v: value to set

The return value is an error code

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