upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h header reference

Upipe ubuf manager for picture formats with blackmagic storage More

Header inclusion  






Upipe ubuf manager for picture formats with blackmagic storage

Members detail  


This macro is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 45.

This macro is a simple signature to make sure the ubuf_alloc internal API is used properly.


This macro is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 31.

struct ubuf * ubuf_pic_bmd_alloc(struct ubuf_mgr *mgr, void *VideoFrame)  

This function is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 65.

This function returns a new ubuf from a blackmagic picture allocator.

Parameter list:

  • mgr: management structure for this ubuf type
  • VideoFrame: pointer to IDeckLinkVideoFrame

The return value is pointer to ubuf or NULL in case of failure

enum ubuf_pic_bmd_command  

This enum is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 50.

This enum extends ubuf_command with specific commands for blackmagic picture allocator.

UBUF_PIC_BMD_GET_VIDEO_FRAMEunknownreturns the blackmagic video frame (void **)

int ubuf_pic_bmd_get_video_frame(struct ubuf *ubuf, void **VideoFrame_p)  

This function is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 78.

This function returns the blackmagic video frame. The reference counter is not incremented.

Parameter list:

  • ubuf: pointer to ubuf
  • VideoFrame_p: filled in with a pointer to IDeckLinkVideoFrame

The return value is an error code

struct ubuf_mgr * ubuf_pic_bmd_mgr_alloc(uint16_t ubuf_pool_depth, uint32_t PixelFormat)  

This function is declared in upipe-blackmagic/ubuf_pic_blackmagic.h source file, line 91.

This function allocates a new instance of the ubuf manager for picture formats using blackmagic.

Parameter list:

  • ubuf_pool_depth: maximum number of ubuf structures in the pool
  • PixelFormat: blackmagic pixel format

The return value is pointer to manager, or NULL in case of error

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